EBF Half-Yearly General Members Meeting

EBF Half-Yearly General Members Meeting

On the 17th of February, the EBF Half-Yearly General Members' Meeting will take place. During this evening, the EBF Board 2024-2025 will present their half-yearly report to the members of the EBF.

Every year, the EBF Board writes a policy, consisting of focus points and projects. During the Half-Yearly General Members' Meeting, the EBF Board will tell its members all about their accomplishments so far and their plans for the upcoming months.

After the presentation of the policy, we will have some drinks together at the cost of the EBF. 

When: 17th of February 2024
Time: 18:30, start: 19:00
Where: Cafe de Sleutel (Noorderhaven 72, Groningen)

If you're not a member of the EBF but still want to join the Half-Yearly General Members Meeting, please send an email to s.versteegen@ebfgroningen.nl.