About EBF

The Economics and Business Faculty association (EBF) is the faculty association for all students studying at the faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Groningen.

The EBF is your partner during your time in Groningen by organising events that support you with your studies and help you prepare for your future career.    


Want to get study & career support for only €7,50?

  • Get access to EBF Career activities

    The EBF organises many career focused activities such as the Recruitment Days, Business Dinners, Entrepreneurship Evenings, a Consultancy Tour and many more. These events are aimed at getting you in touch with a large variety of companies. We also provide you with an extensive online career page for internships, traineeships and more!
  • Receive discount on books and summaries!

    As a member of the EBF you get the lowest price on studybooks and great discounts on professional summaries. Moreover, we offer high quality study services such exam trainings by Tentamentrainingen and more!
  • Meet an awful lot of people!

    EBF Members meet each other at our monthly socials, at our parties and on all our other activities activities. We currently have 5000+ members and more than 180+ active members. Next to this, we offer you a broad network of businesses, alumni and more!

Four pillars

Our mission is to enrich the study time of FEB students by organising meaningful activities and provides a professional platform where they can develop themselves.The services and events that the EBF organises can be divided in four pillars.

  • Study

    The EBF organises Leadership Panels, TedXUniversityofGroningen, and the largest two day student conference of the Netherlands. Moreover, we offer you discounts on reliable summaries and exam trainings from Tentamentrainingen. All of these offer interesting insights next- and in addition to your studies.

  • Career

    The EBF organises career days and other recruitment activities, which will provide students with an excellent opportunity to get in contact with business professionals.

  • International

    The EBF organises two European Study Researches, an International Development Project, an International Business Research and a Freshman trip. Next to that, the EBF enhances the international learning experiences of its members and encourages the interaction between domestic and international students. Besides, almost all our events are held fully in English!

  • Recreation

    Being a member of the EBF starts in the first week of your studies by joining the Introduction Weekend. Furthermore, the EBF organises monthly socials and other fun activities for you to get to know your fellow members!


The EBF has evolved from a fusion between the Economic Faculty Association (founded in 1948) and the Business Faculty Association (founded in 1979). Both associations officially merged on the 1st of August in 2007. The process of this fusion started when in 2005 the Faculty of Economics and Business announced their fusion. Their target groups became more and more alike as well as the target groups of the Faculty Associations. Many activities were organised together and the rest of the activities being organised had a 80% overlap, therefore a fusion was a logical step.

Board of Advice

The Board of Advice consist of people who are experienced in business and/or politics and advises the association about the area of there specialism every year.
View board of advice
  • Dhr. P.G.J.M. Polman

    Former CEO Unilever N.V.

  • HRH Prince Maurits van Oranje-Nassau

    Commercial Officer Sunrock Investments

  • Drs. A.J. Postma

    Founder Freia Groep B.V.

  • Drs. J. Lantink

    CEO Nwq Innovaties B.V.

  • Prof.dr. H.G. Sol

    Dean FEB till '01

  • Prof.dr. E. Sterken

    Rector Magnificus till '19



The EBF has four sub-associations to further improve the service offered to specific areas of the curriculum. These sub-associations organise activities that are aimed specifically at their target group.