A board year! Maybe you have seen it, thought about it or maybe even never heard about it! However, we know when thinking about a board year a lot of questions will pop into your head! That is why we made a list with frequently asked questions in order to help you a little bit!
Besides an excellent addition to your resume, you will experience how to run a large organisation with a turnover of over € 1 million. Your board year will give you a unique chance to gain a lot of experience in making strategic decisions, guiding committees, managing projects, contacting different external parties and working together in a motivated team. You will work together intensively with your fellow board members, build an extensive network, and you will get the opportunity to develop yourself in many different aspects!
The EBF Board, is a full-time board. This means that it is not possible to follow a full time study program. It is recommended to not take any courses, but if you still need one or two courses to pass, it is doable.
Yes, you can! The positions of Vice-Chairman, IT & Marketing Officer and Project and Inclusion Officer are open for non-Dutch speaking students. As an international student, you can make a difference and further improve the EBF. The association has a very international atmosphere and welcomes all students.
You have to be enrolled at the faculty of Economics and Business Economics. However, you will get a full refund of your tuition fees even if you are a student coming from a non-EEA/EU students. Check CUOS for all the conditions regarding the profileringsfonds.
You will receive a scholarship for the work you do since the EBF is part of the university. This amount differs per year. However, this will not be comparable with what you would earn if you would work.
We prefer second-, third-year or master students. You can also do it after your master or within your program. You need to be enrolled at the faculty.
Of course, you will have some spare time. However, your work does not always end at 17.00. Often, there are events, social activities and parties that you have to attend as a board member. All these events are a lot of fun and you will meet a great number of people. Though, it will limit your time off.
Of course, this agenda will differ per week. During exam periods, there are less events, but during big events like the EBF Conference and the Recruitment Days you will work a little more. In between meetings, you will work on your policy points, work with committees and organise EBF Events! Normally, the EBF Board does not work on the weekends. However, sometimes we have fun events like the New Active Members Weekend or parent weekends, where you will meet the parents of your fellow board members.
No! After your transition period, you will have the knowledge to be part of the EBF Board and to fulfil your tasks. Furthermore, old board members are always willing to help you if you have any questions or concerns.
Yes, you can! Of course, it would help if you have committee experience with an organisation or did other extracurricular activities, but it is not necessary.
During an internship, you will work for a company and will get limited responsibility. During a board year, you will get a lot of freedom. You are the ‘CEO’ of the EBF and decide what will happen together with the whole board. You get a great responsibility and learn a lot! Even though, you don’t study, you have to deal with students every day, where during an internship you don’t.
It is recommended to drink a coffee with current board members to learn more about the different positions and the EBF. For questions, you can always send an email to our Secretary & HR Officer (s.versteegen@ebfgroningen.nl)!
You can apply by sending an email to s.versteegen@ebfgroningen.nl. This email should contain your resume, a motivation letter and a recent picture of yourself. After the deadline, we will contact you if you are selected to make the case. You will have a few days the time to finish this case. Afterwards, you will be invited for the first application interview. The first interview will be in the weeks after the application deadline and will go more in depth into your personality and the case. If you passed the first interview, you will be invited for a second interview, which will go more in depth about the specific functions you apply for.
The current board has full knowledge about all the positions and will, therefore, select the new board.
The new EBF Board will have a transition period of 2.5 months to learn about the specific positions, to write a policy and to get to know the association even better. This will take approximately 15 hours per week, but you can take courses and pass your exams in block 2.2. During the summer holiday, you will have a two-week holiday break since you need to prepare for the upcoming year.
We hoped this helped you! We understand that you still may have questions. That is no problem! Please contact us then by contact Stella Versteegen (s.versteegen@ebfgroningen.nl).