The EBF Board consists of 8 ambitious students who will manage the association from July 2025 till July 2026. It is a fulltime board responsible for over 5000 members, from which around 190 active members in 33 committees and 3 Executive Boards.
The EBF Board consists of the following 8 positions:
Chairman (Lianne Alberts)
Vice-Chairman* (Zohal Faizi)
Secretary & HR Officer (Stella Versteegen)
Treasurer (Veerle de Graaf)
IT & Marketing Officer* (Robin van der Meijden)
Commercial Officer (Jarno Prins)
Project & Inclusion Officer* (Puck Koopman)
Career Officer (Pien Kokelenberg)
*The positions of Vice-Chairman, IT & Marketing Officer and Project & Inclusion Officer are open for international students as well!
Do you want to get a coffee with one of the current board members, and ask all your questions? Send an email to s.versteegen@ebfgroningen.nl!
Sent an email to s.versteegen@ebfgroningen.nl if you would like the slides of the information meeting that took place on the 11th of February.
In case you are selected for the EBF Board, the following dates are important.
Policy weekend: 2nd, 3rd, 4th of May 2025.
General Members' Meeting: 30th of June 2025.
Holiday period: 12th of July 2025 until the 27th of July 2025.