
We are guided by our vision to inspire, prepare and connect all FEB students.

That means offering meaningful activities but also to inspire students to improve their current lives and to become leaders of the future. The EBF does this by offering a broad spectrum of events in which sustainability, in the broadest sense of the word, is addressed as it is the reality of today’s generation. But we also have an exemplary role. We therefore want to transfer to more sustainable practices in both our internal operations and our events. So, to us, sustainability means preparing students to become leaders of the future, while also sustaining our operations and events to mitigate our impact on the planet. On this page, you can find the efforts that have already been made and our goals that we have set for the future.

Our Sustainability goals


Stimulating sustainable behaviour

We cannot make the world a more sustainable place on our own. To make sure our (Active) Members act in the most sustainable way possible, we made a guideline document that clearly describes how they can do so.

Read about our sustainability guidelines here