EBF/MARUG Recruitment Days

EBF/MARUG Recruitment Days


Every year in the beginning of December, the EBF/MARUG Recruitment Days are organised, which is the biggest recruitment event for students in the North of the Netherlands. The EBF organises this multiple-day event together with MARUG, the marketing association. Over 400 students visit the Recruitment Days to explore their opportunities on the labour market at one of the 35 participating companies.

A wide variety of activities take place during the Recruitment Days. You should think of general company presentations accessible for everyone, but also CV-selected individual talks with companies. Interactive cases are offered to give students a comprehensive insight into the business life, and in the evenings business dinners and networking socials are organised. The event is visited by students who are searching for an internship or job, but also by younger students who have just started to orientate themselves.

Read the testimonial of Tess Elleswijk (Recruitment Days 2021) here

Read the Brochure here!

THE opportunity for you!

As a member of the Recruitment Days Organisation, you will be responsible for setting up the entire event. Your tasks include contacting companies for participation, arranging the event location and logistics of the event, set up a program for each day and designing the promotion material for the event. You will organise an event that offers a large number of fellow students the opportunity to get in contact with a wide and comprehensive range of companies, both on a formal and informal level.

Do you want to extend your professional as well as your social network? Do you have strong organisational skills? Would you like to organise a multiple day event with 5 other talented students? Then apply for the EBF/MARUG Recruitment Days Board in February!

The functions for the EBF/MARUG Recruitment Days board 2024 are:

  • Chairman

  • Public Relations & Promotion

  • Commercial Relations I / Vice-Chairman

  • Commercial Relation II / Day Organisation

  • Treasurer / Commercial Relations III

  • Secretary & Logistics / Commercial Relation IV

The Commercial Relations will work together in the first half of the year to contact all the participating companies.

Check the website of Recruitment Days here

Do you have any questions about the Recruitment Days Organisation or the application procedure? Don't hesitate to send an email to t.bruggink@ebfgroningen.nl!



Joining the committee

Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Commercial Relations, Logistics, Public Relations, Secretary, Treasurer, Day Organisation
Social skills, Acquisitions skills, Analytical skills, Creative skills, Network skills, Presentation skills, Leadership skills, Problem solving skills, Academic Skills, Organisational skills

Application for this committee is closed.

Join an executive board!

Information Brochure!