Meet the EBF Committees
Working together is one of the most important aspects of forming a group. However, what is the key to creating the best atmosphere for collaboration? According to Henry Ford, ‘working together is success’. Together with the committees of the Economics and Business Faculty Study Association, the EBF, we show in this article that working together and having fun is important for the performance of a group. We will discuss in a literature research why teamwork is important for group success and how groups create this teamwork. Furthermore, we will give a look into the committees of the EBF and their thoughts of their recent experiences by a conducted interview.
Teamwork is key
The topic on how to create an effective way of working together has been on the agenda for many years. In the multicultural world of today, creating an effective environment for a team to work in becomes much more challenging. Teams consist out of a group that consists of two or more persons, who are working towards an objective. According to Haas. M and Mortensen. M (2016), ‘today’s teams are different from the teams of the past: They’re far more diverse, dispersed, digital, and dynamic.’ Organizations should go with and go beyond the current trends to stay competitive and efficient. However, how do managers create such an innovative environment to work in? Important for a cohesive focus, the groups need a common purpose. Something you and your partners are working on together, with the feeling that every individual adds value to the team’s work. Hackman, J. R. (2002) began with the basics of team effectiveness. His three enabling conditions that teams should need to thrive for were a compelling direction, a strong structure and a supportive context. We will explain these ‘enabling conditions’ together with the example of the Economics and Business Faculty Study Association (EBF).
Compelling Direction
‘The foundation of every great team is a direction that energises, orientates, and engages its members.’ It is important for every team to have a common purpose, a common goal. Having a goal energises and motivates members of a team to work on achieving the objectives for the team. The EBF works on group cohesiveness a lot. Having meetings together, having dinner together, having parties and socials together are found very important for the improvement and maintenance of the collaboration.
The foundation of every great team is a direction that energises, orientates, and engages its members
However, next to these team building activities, the group should create a common goal to work on. Many committees are working towards something, a study trip, a business research or organizing the team building activities. This drives the individual and the group to deliver good work. Delivering work, together with ‘having fun’ is an important focus.
Strong Structure
Teams also need the right mix and number of members, optimally designed tasks and processes, and norms that discourage destructive behavior and promote positive dynamics. The association is built on different layers, however, the communication is mostly informal. The environment gives the opportunity to say what you have to say with ease. A common committee consists of a chairman, who does most of the reporting to the board of the association. A treasurer, who handles most of the financial issues. A member focussed on the Personal Relations (the PR), who focuses mostly on the marketing related topics. Lastly, a member in charge of the logistics of events. Moreover, there could be more positions depending on the purpose of the committee. Members of the committee have a position which often requires inter-committee communication. This inter-committee communication and internal structure create more collaboration within the association and more cohesiveness.
Supportive Context
This includes maintaining a reward system that reinforces good performance, an information system that provides access to the data needed for the work, and an educational system that offers training, and last—but not least—securing the material resources required to do the job, such as funding and technological assistance. As a group, it is important to support each other, on the workfloor and on a social level. However, in order to achieve this, the team should be in a supportive context. When the group is having problems with completing a task, then there is someone to get you back on the right track. The board of the EBF is this supportive context. Every committee has its own member of the board to report to when having problems, difficulties, but also with good news. However, the supportiveness of the committee does not depend on one person only. When coming in ‘the boardroom’, everyone is willing to help you. Even though you just want to get a cup of free EBF Coffee again. Furthermore, the fellow members of other committees are more than pleased to help you out as well. The great aspect of making those ‘EBFriends’ is that you can rely on each other. We have experienced this many times within the association.
With the past three topics, we explained the goals, approaches and processes which go on internally. Important to know is, the association is about supporting students with the road to a future self, however, it is also about working together to attain goals in the best possible and fun way.
The EBF has a total of 27 committees. A lot has happened this last year, events were organised, friendship were built and experiences were created. We asked some committees about their experiences of the past half year.
The EBF Conference
‘’Organizes the biggest (and nicest) Conference of the Netherlands’’
What is the best/nicest thing you encountered as a board?
Recently, we went to Budapest (Hungary) to get to know each other. As it has come to an end, we must say it was an enormous success. We did a sightseeing tour, visited some nice hipster restaurants, drank some nice wines (maybe more than some…) and after that, we went clubbing. Furthermore, for a few weeks back we did a mix with the EBF Board and went lasergaming in the Noorderplantsoen.
How did you manage to bond with each other?
All these activities resulted in a bonding experience. Next to that, the Monday evenings were used to cook with each other and have some drinks. In almost every case, it resulted in Chef Maurice who was cooking. His food is always well received and resulted in good conversations in which we get to know each other in a more informal way.
Why would you recommend doing your committee to someone else?
Some Committees are more serious than others. As the EBF Conference is a serious committee, the reasons for applying for a committee are also more serious. As we are organising the biggest (and nicest) Student Conference of the Netherlands, we are humbled by the fact that we can organize an event for the EBF (and FEB) students that can inspire the future managers of our country!
Do you think you are/were a success? And yes, why?
Of course! And to maintain this we have to “fail fast and learn fast”. Unfortunately, we cannot say anything about our progress but looking at the files of previous years, we can conclude that no aspect of the conference is experiencing any delay.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how did you find the last half year?
There are too many highlights to explain. However, as there are so many highlights, we cannot give the last half year a 6 or lower. Combining the highlights with the enormous amount of nice people everyone met, we have to give the last half year a 9! The warm welcome the five non-active EBF Members received, lifts the grade to a 10!
Speakers Committee
‘’Next half year is going to be a 10’’
What is the best/nicest thing you encountered as a committee?
A successful EBF Leadership Panel, which was really fun to be part of, for all of us.
How did you manage to bond with each other?
Not as much as we had wanted, more informal meetings would have been better.
Why would you recommend doing your committee to someone else?
It’s a way to experience the University from a completely different perspective and possibly learn something from it. More important is the fun you can have in bonding with your committee members.
Do you think you are/were a success? And yes, why?
Not entirely, the events we did were successes, but we would like to do more in the future.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how did you find the last half year?
A definite 7, We feel like it has been a great setup for learning and starting. The next half year is going to be a 10.
Commercial Committee
‘’After some calculations, we would rate it a 7.64’’
What is the best/nicest experience you had as a committee?
To get your first deal and everyone is excited that is what creates a nice experience.
How did you manage to bond with each other?
Eat and drink together and we hope the upcoming committee weekend will be a success as well. Oh, and of course everyone is crazy ( In a good way).
Why would you recommend doing your committee to someone else?
It’s interesting and you get to know a lot of other fun people from different studies or even your own.
Do you think you are/were a success? And yes, why?
We think it’s a difficult question to answer because how do you define success? For us, it was a success because we learned a lot and met nice people.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how did you find the last half year?
After some calculations, we would rate it a 7.64, we could have eaten a little bit more together.
ESR Spring
‘’we only saw happy faces’’
What is the best/nicest experience you had as a committee?
The last year I, Hylke, have been active in 2 committees. First I did the Introduction Committee (IC) and in September I started in the ESR committee where we are still busy with. I already had a lot of nice experiences. For me the active members weekends were incredible. I loved to be there with all the active members. For the IC the introduction weekend itself was the absolute highlight. It is so cool that all your hard work pays off in the right way and to see so many happy faces. With the ESR we are still in the middle of our committee, I think the best has yet to come, but it is already really cool to go to all the different stages together and to make big decisions together.
How did you manage to bond with each other?
We bond best by doing a lot of (social) activities together. By doing this, you really get to know each other in a good way. Also when you are working towards a goal, you are spending a lot of time together and you will get way closer.
Why would you recommend doing your committee to someone else?
We would recommend a committee in general to everyone. It is a great way to get to know a lot of different people. Further, you have the possibility to combine some aspects of your study with more social parts.
For both the IC and ESR you have the chance to be super social and super active. You have to work hard for your goal but you will get a lot back for this.
Do you think you are/were a success? And yes, why?
For the ESR we are of course not done yet but I think we are doing well and that the event will be a great success. We think the IC was a great success. In the end we almost had 400 applicants and we only saw happy faces :).
On a scale from 1 to 10, how did you find the last half year?
The last half year, we would rank with a 7, this is because we still have another half a year to go, and we only think it will get better from this point.
Academy Committee
‘’Also a great way for me to expand skills in creating promotion’’
What is the best/nicest experience you had as a committee?
We really like all the time that we have spent together as a committee for example at the socials and the Christmas ball.
How did you manage to bond with each other?
We managed to bond with each other through the committee evening that we have every Monday.
Why would you recommend doing your committee to someone else?
Because it’s a great way to get to know people and have the chance to manage the booksale and the sale of summaries. Doing PR work is also a great way for us to expand skills in creating promotion material.
Do you think you are/were a success? And yes, why?
Yes, because we really liked the last promotion that we created with the help of the marketing committee for the booksale and also all the ‘Febtastic’ articles that we create.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how did you find the last half year?
I would say a 7 because we think there is still room for us to improve.
Degree to Trainee
‘’Quality time with your committee is key in order to bond with each other’’
What is the best/nicest experience you had as a committee?
We would say the committee evenings. Our event didn’t take place yet, I think that will be the nicest experience of all.
How did you manage to bond with each other?
Every Monday we have a committee evening, that is when we eat together and have a few beers. Quality time with your committee is key in order to bond with each other.
Why would you recommend doing your committee to someone else?
You get in touch with many companies and get to work on something really cool with each other, which is really nice. You also develop several practical skills with organizing such an event.
Do you think you are/were a success? And yes, why?
We are very busy with all the preparations and organizing our event. We will do our best to make it a success, especially since it is the first time for Degree to Trainee to take place!
On a scale from 1 to 10, how did you find the last half year?
Freshmen Committee
What is the best/nicest experience you had as a committee?
The transition dinner and in general dinners and evenings together; the preparations of the freshmen trip to Antwerp and the trip itself.
How did you manage to bond with each other?
By having dinners and meetings every week.
Why would you recommend doing your committee to someone else?
It is great to get to know other people, you meet a lot of new people from different studies and it is great to organise events with your committee for other people.
Do you think you are/were a success? And yes, why?
Yes, we think we were and are a success. People, who attended the activities and trip, which we organised, enjoyed themselves a lot and we only get positive feedback all the time.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how did you find the last half year?
10, of course
Consultancy Tour Committee
What is the best/nicest experience you had as a committee?
The consultancy tour that we had last 28th of February and the 1st and 2nd of March! That is the activity we worked our ass off for the past 6 months. It is an amazing feeling to see what you can achieve together with the committee and make sure the participants have a great event.
How did you manage to bond with each other?
The committee events and the socials are a great way to bond. You get to know each other better and these informal social events are a nice addition to the ‘professional’ part of doing committee work. Next to that we were all at Zernike quite a lot so just met each other during breaks, for studying or at the interim for a chat, it is always fun when we are together.
Why would you recommend doing your committee to someone else?
Doing committee work was the best decision we made. You get to know more people within your own study field or from other studies, you make new friends and you also have more serious components where you work together to achieve a certain goal. Besides, our committee is a great combination of an event with both a social and a professional side, getting to know companies in a formal and informal way. And if you are interested in consultancy yourself as well, it also helps you to get into contact with companies.
Do you think you are/were a success? And yes, why?
Yes, our most successful moment was when we did the consultancy tour and we had 25 very enthusiastic students who learned a lot during our tour and 5 enthousiastic companies which enjoyed participating in the consultancy tour. This made us really proud of our committee.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how did you find the last half year?
9, EBF is a wonderful study association, which is way more fun than we expected.
We would like to thank everyone of the EBF, our new friends and the EBFamily, it has been a great half year and we hope that we will create many more great experiences. We are looking forward to all the great events that the committees are working very hard for with each other. So the next half year will be a great success!
We would like to thank the committees for their participation!
Marieke Rijpkema & Jeroen Zuidberg 12-03-2018
Haas, M. & Mortensen, M. (2016). Leading Teams: The secrets of great teamwork. Harvard Business Reviews.
Hackman, J. R. (2002). Leading teams: Setting the stage for great performances. Harvard Business Press.