EBF Skills Day

Do you want to prepare yourself for your future career?

The EBF Skillsday, organised on the 29th of November 2021, is to give the EBF Members and the students of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) the chance to develop themselves! The event will consist of different workshops that will give you more insight in what to expect in your career and how to prepare for that. The deadline to sign up is on the 28th of November 2021 at 23.59!

Sign up for the different workshops offered:

  • FEB Career Services: Work, Study, Life Balance Workshop - 9.00-11.00

  • FEB Career Services: Job Interview Training - 11.00-13.00

  • FEB Career Services: CV Writing Training - 11.00-13.00

  • YAG: Real-life Business Case - 13.00-15.00

  • 30th of November: Hellotest: EBF/FEB E-assessment Training - 9.00-13.00

Important to know: You do not have to be present for the whole day! You can sign up for the workshops you would like to attend!

FEB Career Services: Work, Study, Life Balance Workshop - 9.00-11.00

Do you ever have the feeling that you have to do too many things at the same time? Are you figuring out how to manage all aspects of your professional life, while enjoying your personal life as well? Balancing work, study, and personal life can be challenging, yet it is important for a healthy lifestyle. 

In this workshop you: 

  • reflect on your own current work-study-life challenges

  • Learn how to balance off your life better

  • improve awareness

  • identify useful strategies to address challenges

  • exchange ideas and experiences with fellow students

  • develop a plan of action to mitigate challenges

FEB Career Services: Job Interview Training - 11.00-13.00

For your future career, it is important to feel strong in a job interview. In this workshop we provide you with information and tips and tricks to be successful in a job interview. Issues that will be addressed are:

  • what to expect from a job interview

  • the best way to prepare yourself

  • the code of conduct

  • frequently asked questions

  • how to handle difficult questions

  • feedback on mock-interview sessions.

FEB Career Services: CV check - 11.00-13.00

It is important to make your CV stand out for your future career. In the CV Check, Mohamoud will help you to improve your CV! The following issues will be addressed in this training:

  • the basics of a CV format and required content

  • the perspectives of an employer

  • how to personalize your CV to make you stand out from the crowd and get that job you desire

YAG: Real-life Business Case - 13.00-15.00

As a student, it is important to have practical experience on working in real-life situations. In this real-life business case of YAG, you will gain more experience how to work on such cases. 

Through the cooperation of YAG with partners like RolandBerger, Berenschot, McKinsey, and BCG, YAG is able to deliver consultancy services and trainings at a proffesional level. One such training is a case training, where YAG will present a typical consulting problem in a nutshell and introduce the frameworks used to tackle such questions in strategy consulting.

30th of November: EBF/FEB E-Assessment Training - 9.00-13.00

Do you want to prepare yourself for the application procedure of your future (dream) job? Then the EBF/FEB Online E-Assessment Training is the perfect event for you!

Many companies nowadays include an E-Assessment in their application procedures. An online assessment or e-assessment is sometimes used to take (parts of) an assessment. Questionnaires and online ability tests can be completed at home or in a controlled environment. Components that often are included in the E-assessment tests of Companies are:

  • IQ Tests

  • Numerical Reasoning

  • Logic Reasoning

  • Verbal Reasoning

During this training you will learn about these topics! Can you solve this? Sign up!

For more information, look on the Hellotest Website!