Deadline: EBF Buddy Programme Buddies

Do you want to guide first-year students in their adventure of exploring the beautiful city of Groningen? Sign up now as a Buddy for the EBF Buddy Programme!

As a Buddy in the EBF Buddy Programme you will guide a group of 5 or more students who share similar interests. In the first week of the academic year there will be an introduction activity where you will get to meet the group. Thereafter you can organise activities with your group to show them what studying in Groningen is all about. don't be afraid to use all your creaitivity! There will then be a second activity with all the groups of the EBF Buddy Programme  where your group can meet even more first-year students and get a real head start in their academic year.

In the registration form you can indicate which students from which study programme you want to guide. There is a distinction between guiding bachelor students, where the focus lies more on the social aspect. Guiding Pre-Master and/or Master students means becoming a ‘Master captain’ and will focus more on the part of studying at the FEB.

If you're interested, don't hesitate and sign up before the 1st of August!

For any additional information, send an email to