EBF Conference: Conference Day

The sign-ups are open from the 9th of September, from 12:00 pm 

On the 3 th and 4 th of October of 2024, the 16th edition of the EBF Conference will take place.

The EBF Conference is the largest economic and business conference of the Netherlands and attracts around 600 participants each year including students, academics, alumni and business participants.

The EBF Conference consists of two days, each with its own distinctive character. The first day will have an academic character, whereas the second day will be the traditional Conference Day.

This year's theme for Conference Day is:

"Summits of Success: Rising to Peak Performance"

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill. This quote also applies to the rise of a business leader to the peak of their performance. Business success is comparable to climbing a mountain. Each leader guides their company through its own unique ascent to the top of success. During this journey failure is imminent, but finding the courage to keep going is what separates the winners from the losers. Each path has its own benefits to reaching the top, while they contrarily also have their own obstacles that pose problems to your climb. There is not just one right answer, there is an abundance of paths that all lead us to the summits of success. The importance lies in choosing the path that is best suited to the company taking it. Leaders of companies face distinct challenges, and individually gain all kinds of different insights.

The paths they choose are as diverse as the tools they employ, the people they enlist to go with them, and the message they aim to convey by raising their flag after reaching the summit. The goals leaders aim to achieve, though varied in approach, ultimately are based upon a shared aspiration: the pursuit of lasting success and the realization of their full potential leading their company the way. The options to choose for your own journey now lie at your feet, and the summits of success are right in front of you. Which path will you take? What tools will you use? Which people will you bring, and what flag will you raise? The answers to these questions will ensure leaders a seamless rise to peak performance.

This year’s EBF Conference will elaborate on the following subthemes: Transforming Waste of Materials into Mountains of Wealth, Taking Technological Shortcuts to New Heights of Investing, Harmonizing Perspectives to Achieve Unity in Diversity & Avoiding Avalanches of External Supply Chain Factors

The Conference Day will take place at the Martini Plaza. 

You can choose to sign up for both days or choose to join one of them. The sign-ups are open from the 9th of September, from 12:00 pm. Deadline for signing up is 22nd of September, 23:59. Sign up now at ebfconference.nl/sign-up